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Instruments for testing fabric
Istruments for testing fabric
Instruments for testing fibre
Instruments for testing silk
Instruments for testing dyed goods
Other test instruments & special parts
Tally series
High-class Fireplace Series
Spinning apparatus electrophoresis line
ADD:NO.501 Wu Yi   South Rd  Wujin high tech Zone CHANGZHOU
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Changzhou Textile Instrument.,Ltd

ADD:NO.501 Wu Yi   South Rd  Wujin high tech Zone CHANGZHOU
 Traffic routes: take the 68 road to the train station, next to the Dragon
TEL:0519-86663868      0519-89809510
FAX: 0519-86648786
E-MAIL: cfy831@public.cz.js.cn    webmaster@czti.com
Website: www.czti.com
Network real name: 常州纺织仪器厂有限公司
Chinese domain: 常州纺织仪器厂.cn     常州纺仪.cn

Payee: 常州纺织仪器厂有限公司
Account No.: 1105020119230012211
Open account bank: 工行常州市分行营业部 

TEL:0519-86663868  0519-89809510  FAX:0519-86648786  E-MAIL:webmaster@czti.com  cfy831@public.cz.js.cn
ADD:NO.501?Wu Yi South Rd Wujin high tech Zone CHANGZHOU